Sunday, December 16, 2012


Where to start.  So much I don't understand.  So much hate and hurt that surrounds us.  It amazes me to believe there can be so much evil in this world.  We all want to know "why".  We can put the the blame on many, many things such as video games, lack of involved parents, the non existence of faith in our schools and not having strict gun laws.   People ask where is God in this?  Well He is watching.  He does not force His will us.  It's our choice to do the things we do.  So what is the point?  We, as humanity, need to raise up and do more for our fellow man.  We need to be kinder, gentler toward one another.  We need to be examples to children all around us to show them how to treat their fellow man.  All to often we ignore one another.  We do not open doors, say hello.  We yell at cars on the road when we are cut off or they do something we do not like.   We watch reality TV that makes fun of other people and their dreams and we laugh. 

I am not saying everyone does this and there are great examples of people all around. However, many do not live by the golden rule.  Some may have never heard of it.  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  People long for a time in the past when things were "different".  But then it was not perfect.  We have the responsibility as humanity to take care of one another.  Not by force or by government programs but as individuals and families.  We can make this world better for our children and their children.  It starts with us, the adults. 

What can we do?  How can we do it?  Drop the stones.  Look inside of yourself.  What must we do as individuals to change?  I do not have the answers  for everyone.  Hopefully I have the answers for myself and my children.  We have to change.  We all do.  We have to teach our children respect and kindness. But change has to start within each of us.  Let our actions speak for our desires to love one another.  Please for the sake of our children and the future generations let us make the changes we need to better take care of the sanctity of life.  It starts with us.