Sunday, December 16, 2012


Where to start.  So much I don't understand.  So much hate and hurt that surrounds us.  It amazes me to believe there can be so much evil in this world.  We all want to know "why".  We can put the the blame on many, many things such as video games, lack of involved parents, the non existence of faith in our schools and not having strict gun laws.   People ask where is God in this?  Well He is watching.  He does not force His will us.  It's our choice to do the things we do.  So what is the point?  We, as humanity, need to raise up and do more for our fellow man.  We need to be kinder, gentler toward one another.  We need to be examples to children all around us to show them how to treat their fellow man.  All to often we ignore one another.  We do not open doors, say hello.  We yell at cars on the road when we are cut off or they do something we do not like.   We watch reality TV that makes fun of other people and their dreams and we laugh. 

I am not saying everyone does this and there are great examples of people all around. However, many do not live by the golden rule.  Some may have never heard of it.  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  People long for a time in the past when things were "different".  But then it was not perfect.  We have the responsibility as humanity to take care of one another.  Not by force or by government programs but as individuals and families.  We can make this world better for our children and their children.  It starts with us, the adults. 

What can we do?  How can we do it?  Drop the stones.  Look inside of yourself.  What must we do as individuals to change?  I do not have the answers  for everyone.  Hopefully I have the answers for myself and my children.  We have to change.  We all do.  We have to teach our children respect and kindness. But change has to start within each of us.  Let our actions speak for our desires to love one another.  Please for the sake of our children and the future generations let us make the changes we need to better take care of the sanctity of life.  It starts with us.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gumbo....Big Daddy Dieu Style

It seems by watching television that Louisiana is a hip place to be in.  Growing up, I think most of us just wanted to get out.  I would like to clear up a couple of myths about Louisianans.  First, not everyone in Louisiana hunts alligators.  Yes there are a lot of them around but that is not how we feed our families.  The new show on  the history channel, "Cajun Pawn Stars" is not in Cajun country.  In fact it is about 50 miles from where my mother grew up.  A matter of fact I don't believe any of them are actually Cajun.  Finally, we all do not speak like the "Waterboy".  Yes we love our mommas but we know that little girls are not the "devil".  Well, my momma thought they were.  Sorry momma.  In the words of Bobby Bouche, "I love momma"!!!

Gumbo is one of Jacob's favorites.  With the recent changes taking place in our lives I have been experimenting some on make a good gumbo.  So with a little research and a little of trail and error I would like to share a recipe with you.  I call it.......

Big Daddy Dieu's Magnificent Chicken and Sausage Gumbo


1 cup oil
1 cup floor

More instructions to follow

2 large onions, chopped
2 large bell peppers, chopped
3-5 cups of sliced okra
4-5 celery, chopped
4-6 cloves of garlic, minced
4 quarts of chicken stock - (instead of the stock you can use the water you will boil the chicken in)
2-3 bay leaves
1 tablespoon of Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning (you will probably use more)
1 teaspoon of dried thyme leaves
salt and pepper to taste
3 lbs of leg thighs or leg quarters
2-3lbs of andouille sausage cut into 1/2" pieces (you can use a beef or pork sausage if andouille is not availible)
2/3 cup of fresh chopped parsley
File powder to taste
1 tablespoon of Tabasco
1 teaspoon of File'

If you have issue finding any of these ingredients, you can use the following website which I absolutely love,  Their prices are very reasonable and they were always very reliable.  You can get just about any Cajun ingredients you want.

Boil the chicken with seasonings of your choice (I use Tony's, onion and garlic powder) until cooked.  Take the chicken out to cool.  You will debone the chicken after it cools.  You can use this "stock" for the gumbo.  Before boiling the chicken you can do a quick sear before you complete the cooking process by boiling.  You can also do the the same with the saugage.

Take the okra and saute in a pan with a little butter for 4 to 6 minutes and set to the side.

In a large, heavy pot heat the oil and cook the flour in the oil over medium to high heat.  You must constantly stir to keep the roux from burning.  You will continue to stir until it becomes almost a dark coffee color.  It will be a dark reddish-brown color.

Add the vegetables (including the okra) and stir quickly.  This will stop the roux from cooking as well.  They will cook for about 4 minutes.

Add the stock, seasonings, chicken and sausage and bring to a boil.  Cook for about one hour and skim the fat off the top as need.  I typical use more seasonings at this point.  I usually go by taste to figure that out.

After you add the stock if you need more water you may add it.  This will depend on how thick you want it.

The great thing about gumbo you can add what spices and flavors you want.  You can add shrimp, oysters and whatever you like.  Gumbo is typical better the second or third day because it allows the flavors to "melt" together.  Let me know what you think. 


Friday, July 27, 2012

My Oldest Son

No questions that the greatest joys in my life are my children. They have been so much fun and brought so many great memories to me and our family.  Jacob will be 16 next month and that is so hard to believe.  It seems like yesterday I was changing his diaper.  I have be fortunate enough to be able to coach him in baseball and football since he began player up until high school.  We have celebrate many great times and some not so great times on the field of battle.  I have never force him or for that fact any of my children to play sports, however, Jacob has taken to them and enjoys playing.  Jacob's teachers have praised his good behavior in school.  He has also worked very hard on becoming a better student.  Many great teachers have been a part of his development and we are all grateful to them.  I am sure I will embarrass him with this blog but we have shared several memorable moments.  Here are two that stand out to me.

I remember when Jacob was being "trained" to use the potty.  He was not quite 3 and Phillip was a month away from joining us.  The great thing was Jacob was trained within the week.  I thought that was a quite an amazing feat in itself.  As we were getting to the end of his training a very funny thing happen.  Jacob was on the potty doing his business and that is when the magic happen.  Jacob got a whiff of his business and he got sick.  He started throwing up.  At least he was able to do his business and throw up in the toilet at the same time while sitting on it.  However, that is not the end of the story.  Jacob's mom was helping him but being nearly 9 months pregnant, it caused her to get sick as well.  Let's just say daddy had quite the mess to clean up.  I still laugh about it to this day.

Being able to be Jacob's coach has been one of the greatest accomplishments in my life.  We have shared many great memories together.  We have had a lot of success in baseball by winning a league championship once and runners-up three other times.  We have played many a great games and I have lots of memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  When Jacob was 10 we were playing Francestown for the league championship and it was a very intense, pressure packed game.  Both teams fought hard and the both deserving of the win, however, only once could win.  In the bottom of the 6th inning Jacob came up to bat with runners on second and third and two outs.  No doubt a situation must professionals struggle with.  I called timeout and went to speak with Jacob.  I told him not matter what I love him and many people would love to be in his shoes.  Jacob went to bat with a purpose.  Down 2 strikes in the count he was able to draw a walk.  That was a tremendous accomplishment for him and the team.  Even though we lost the game 8 -7, it is a memory that I will cherish forever.  And it is one of the greatest games I have ever been apart of.

Jacob will be a sophomore in high school this year and it is hard to believe.  Before too long he will have his drivers license.  He is growing up very fast.  Before I know it he will be on a mission, then off to college (if he chooses) and maybe starting his own family.  I love all of my children very much and each of them have a special place in my heart.  Jacob is a very special spirit and I am privileged be his father.  He has brought many joys in my life.  Jacob thank you for being my son.  It is a honor to be your father.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Our drive back to Louisiana

As Connor, Iva, Bennie and myself began our treck back to Louisiana today many memories came flooding  back.  As we cross into Louisiana and was heading down highway 15 I couldn't help to think of my brothers Nicholas and Dustin.  I consider my self fortunate to be their older brother.  I have also thought of myself as their protector, however, that does not mean we did not get into our fair share of fights.  Even though I was always quite larger than those two I never used my size to bully them around.  For those that know me, you know that is the truth.  For those who know of me and really do not know me, you probably have your doubts about that but that is okay.  I plan on doing several stories about both of them but today I want to talk about Nicholas.

Now Nicholas has grown into a fine man and is married to a young lady that loves him dearly.  She takes great care of my brother and for that I am thankful.  Nick also reminds me so much of our Papaw.  He talks like him, has those same mannerism like him and most of  all he calls it like he sees it  just like our Papaw use to do.  My Papaw never pull any punches and neither does Nick.  Nick believes as my Papaw did that he should not travel to far to ensure hecould be in his bed before the day is over.  For 10 years I tried to get Nick to come to New Hampshire for a visit but he said "if I was meant to fly I would have wings."  Neither Nick or his wife Perri ever made to New England before our move back south.

Now Nick was the middle child.  Nick did have it a little rougher than I did but he handle it with that Murray stubbornness we all have.  I could share several examples such as the Kool Aid Incident of 1984 which we laugh about now but at that time Dub and myself sat in silence.  Nick was an outstanding baseball player and accomplish  two things I never did.  The first was he on a All-Star team along with Dub that won a state title. Secondly, he was a part a the 1994 Linville High School baseball team that won the state title the year AFTER I graduated.  I was always the brides made and never the bride.  But I was so excited for him and a team that worked very hard for that achievement.  Nick was able to accomplish many things that I have not.  For this I am very proud of him.  

Nick was the swing vote between Dub and myself.  Sometime he would side with me but mostly sided with Dub.  Dub learned from an early age how to manipulate the situation to get what he wanted.  I think Nick caught onto but I really could tell you for sure.  Most of the decision was around food and who was going to eat Dub leftovers.  Dub could play the game well.

The great Armadillo Hunt of 1989 take place at Mamaw and Papaw's house and involved not only us the boys but several of my cousins.  Kristin, Courtney and Jennifer were acting has Nat Geo explorers on an expedition will use boys was trying to sniff out the armadillo.  Everyone was on the ground with flash lights looking under the shed for it.  I was walking around looking for it.  Needless to say Nicholas scared the crap out of me.  I not only jump but fled in fear.  The great thing about this adventure was Mamaw  caught it on film.  It has been a long time since we watched it but I usually get laughed at the most.

Nicholas is a man of great integrity.  He is man of principle.  Nick stands by his morals and is unwavering.  He is a rock.  I have been bless to have him as my brother.   I do not think he really knows how much he means to me.  How thankful I am for my family.  I would not change my childhood for anything, for I was bless with everything I ever needed.

No recipe today.  I wanted to share a few thoughts of part of my family.  There will be many stories to come about Nick, Dub and the rest of my family that I hold dear. 

Recipes to continue soon.  Especially we will have so good eats at Mamaw's.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mamaw and Papaw Murray

Family has always been an important part of my life.  I have spent many a day with my Mamaw and Papaw Murray.  Some of my fondest memories of my early years include one if not the both of them.  Even as a teenager and young adult I spent many weekends with them.  I am very fortunate to have the grandparents that I have.   Their home was a place I considered scared.  They were not prefect and made mistakes like the rest of us but they always knew what was important.  God, family and country is how they lived their lives.

Papaw was not a man of many words but when he did speak people listen.  He was very funny and charismatic.  He was respected by the men that worked for him.  I can remember many evenings going to the mill with Mamaw to take him dinner.  To watch him walk down those stairs and his men react to him was quite amazing.  Papaw share many a story with us and made us all laugh.  His passing was very difficult for all of us  and when I go to their home I still look for him.  I miss him dearly.  I remember the last time I saw him alive.  I remember the last time I to him on the phone.  I know exactly where I was and where I was going.  I miss him so very much.    In the future I plan on sharing stories about him, his life and many of things we did together. 

Now Mamaw is still running in top gear at the age of.....well, I not going to say her age aloud but let's just say she acts and gets around as someone a lot younger then what she is.  Mamaw is a true lady of the south.  She is a AWESOME cook and have enjoy many a great meal at her table.  Even today she makes that kitchen sing with such beauity and grace.  Mamaw is accomplished lady herself.  Mamaw has played the piano and organ at church, well since I can remember.  I have not seen anyone other than her play there.  She has had held many positions and has served faithfully.   She is quite the family historian and continues to trace our ancestors.  Mamaw is still very active in her church work and it is a central part of her life.  Mamaw has always put her family first ahead of herself.  Even today she does everything in her power for her children.  Needless to say her grand children and great grand children she is always wanting to help regardless how big or small it may be.  I also plan sharing some great stories about her and the things we have done together.  Mamaw I love you!!!

I was not sure if I would share any of Mamaw's recipes.  I have not asked her if I could.  I plan on asking her this weekend.  I think they should be shared with my friends and family because I believe it is a way to keep her kickin' forever.    In the mean time I am going to share one of my favorite cakes that she makes.  I got the recipe from her and attempted to make it like her but it wasn't the same.  I did have some one  make it and was near perfect.  So it can be done. We will call it,

Mamaw Murray's Kickin' Carrot Cake

I will list it out for you to decide if you would like to tweak it or not but I will tell you this is the perfected version.  So here it goes.


2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups of Wesson oil  (you can use any brand but that is what Mamaw uses)
3 cups of grated carrots
4 eggs

Combine all the dry ingredients and mix well.  Add eggs, oil and mix well.  Now add the carrots and beat on medium speed with an electric mixer roughly 2 minutes.  Grease and flour three 9 inch cake pans and bake for 25 to 30 minutes.  Please make sure you let the cakes cool before you ice them.

The Icing.

This is my favorite part.  DO NOT leave the pecans out because it makes the cake.  Now if you don't like nuts do as you please.  I would use pecans and no other but once again you can do as you please.  Now for the ingredients

1 (8 oz) package of Philadelphia cream cheese
1 stick of butter (That's right BUTTER!!!  None of the fake stuff.  Land O' Lakes is the best)
1 box of confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup of chopped pecans

Cream cheese and butter until light and fluffy.  Add sugar and gradually add vanilla and pecans.  Put the icing between each layer, the sides and the top.

Now it is time to enjoy.  I look to have a huge glass of Foremost whole milk when I have a piece of this cake.  Foremost is a brand of milk mostly in Louisiana but any whole milk will suffice. 

My brother Nicholas loves this cake and is one of his favorites.  A matter of fact no one other than Mamaw can fix the cake correctly according to him.  This cake was at every holiday dinner as a child and continues to make an appearance when I visit.  

I hope you enjoy it.  Please comment below and let me know what you think. 

So it begins

A lot of things have happen to me over the last 12 months and it has been a very tough time in my life.  The toughest time since the death of my grandfather.  My life has seen many changes and I struggle to adapt.  Many thoughts occupy my mind about my future and what it may hold.  It is difficult not to seeing my kids everyday.  I enjoy the time we do have and we are beginning a routine together.  We have begun to cook together and try some new things but we have also cooked some of the same stuff they have every week.  The difference now is they help some (when I have their attention) but I usually finish it off for everyone.  I have raved reviews sometimes and others, well we will say they are mixed.  I begin this new adventure with several things in mind.  My life with my children, our love of food and how it will make our bond stronger with one another.  I will share our recipes for you to try and you can tell me what you think or what you did differently to make it better.  I hope this venture brings some peace to me, my children and help brighten your day with your love ones.  Needless to say this is a new beginning for me and the ones I love beautiful children.

When I picked up my three youngest ones yesterday I asked them what they would like to eat while they were with me.  Of course the first response was "Sonic" but I politely said no and that I wanted to cook some "good" food for them.  They were disappointed but only for a short time, especially when I said what about burgers and fries.  They were excited and the meal was a success.  Cheeseburgers, fries, mac and cheese, corn on the cob and Doritos.  Dinner of champions.  I also fixed some turnip greens that I enjoyed all by myself.  My children have not come to the joys of a nice batch of greens but one day I hope they will.  So let's pray their tastes of what good food is will change.  The meal was a success, the kids where full and we settled down for the evening.  As we were chatting about the next day I asked them about breakfast and no one had a real ideal.  So I asked about french toast and a resounding YES was shouted from the crowd.

I have fixed french toast before but this time I did some research, looked at several recipes and came up with the following.  A combination of several different ideals of french toast.  I call it......

Big Daddy Dieu's Fabulous French Toast


3 eggs
1 cup of milk
1/2  of teaspoon of nutmeg OR cinnamon (your choice)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of sugar
8 slices of bread
1/2 tablespoon of butter.

You will need to preheat the oven at 350 degrees

Take the eggs, milk, nutmeg (OR cinnamon), vanilla extract and sugar and whisk those together until all ingredients are mixed together well.  Take a non stick pan and place on medium heat until pan is warm.  Once the pan reaches a constant temperature place the butter in the the pan.  Take each slice of bread and dip in the egg mixture until both sides are covered evenly.  Place in the pan and cook on each side for 3 to 4 minutes.  Each side should be golden brown.  Once it has cooked in the pan place each slice of bread on a non stick cookie sheet and place in the oven for 10 minutes.  ****The following is optional*****  Take 3 tablespoons of butter and brown in the same pan you cook the toast in for 5 minutes or until it is brown.  This will take about 5 minutes.  Make sure you don't burn it.  Once the toast has cooked in the oven drizzle with the butter and serve with syrup if you like.

Well today's results was mixed.  Iva loved it and had 4 pieces.  Connor not so much and Bennie only wanted sausage.   We used nutmeg today but in the future we will use cinnamon.  I am not a fan of nutmeg.  If I had to rate it myself I would give it 5 on a scale of 10.  I did not allow the pan to get warm enough before I place the first batch in so the bread was too soggy, however, the second batch of 4 was a lot better.  Also make sure you use your favorite syrup.  They will also play a key factor on how much you will love. 

I would like to know your thoughts.  What can be done to make it better?  What could be done differently? Rate it for me.  What would you give it?   I look forward to hear your thoughts. 

This was a simple recipe.  I do plan of going to my Louisiana roots and doing not only some good ol' southern home cookin' but I will go deep into the bayou for some great Cajun cuisine.  I would like to have you to follow along for the journey.  The journey of my life, it's challenges, the love I have of my children and some really good food (I hope).