Friday, July 20, 2012

Our drive back to Louisiana

As Connor, Iva, Bennie and myself began our treck back to Louisiana today many memories came flooding  back.  As we cross into Louisiana and was heading down highway 15 I couldn't help to think of my brothers Nicholas and Dustin.  I consider my self fortunate to be their older brother.  I have also thought of myself as their protector, however, that does not mean we did not get into our fair share of fights.  Even though I was always quite larger than those two I never used my size to bully them around.  For those that know me, you know that is the truth.  For those who know of me and really do not know me, you probably have your doubts about that but that is okay.  I plan on doing several stories about both of them but today I want to talk about Nicholas.

Now Nicholas has grown into a fine man and is married to a young lady that loves him dearly.  She takes great care of my brother and for that I am thankful.  Nick also reminds me so much of our Papaw.  He talks like him, has those same mannerism like him and most of  all he calls it like he sees it  just like our Papaw use to do.  My Papaw never pull any punches and neither does Nick.  Nick believes as my Papaw did that he should not travel to far to ensure hecould be in his bed before the day is over.  For 10 years I tried to get Nick to come to New Hampshire for a visit but he said "if I was meant to fly I would have wings."  Neither Nick or his wife Perri ever made to New England before our move back south.

Now Nick was the middle child.  Nick did have it a little rougher than I did but he handle it with that Murray stubbornness we all have.  I could share several examples such as the Kool Aid Incident of 1984 which we laugh about now but at that time Dub and myself sat in silence.  Nick was an outstanding baseball player and accomplish  two things I never did.  The first was he on a All-Star team along with Dub that won a state title. Secondly, he was a part a the 1994 Linville High School baseball team that won the state title the year AFTER I graduated.  I was always the brides made and never the bride.  But I was so excited for him and a team that worked very hard for that achievement.  Nick was able to accomplish many things that I have not.  For this I am very proud of him.  

Nick was the swing vote between Dub and myself.  Sometime he would side with me but mostly sided with Dub.  Dub learned from an early age how to manipulate the situation to get what he wanted.  I think Nick caught onto but I really could tell you for sure.  Most of the decision was around food and who was going to eat Dub leftovers.  Dub could play the game well.

The great Armadillo Hunt of 1989 take place at Mamaw and Papaw's house and involved not only us the boys but several of my cousins.  Kristin, Courtney and Jennifer were acting has Nat Geo explorers on an expedition will use boys was trying to sniff out the armadillo.  Everyone was on the ground with flash lights looking under the shed for it.  I was walking around looking for it.  Needless to say Nicholas scared the crap out of me.  I not only jump but fled in fear.  The great thing about this adventure was Mamaw  caught it on film.  It has been a long time since we watched it but I usually get laughed at the most.

Nicholas is a man of great integrity.  He is man of principle.  Nick stands by his morals and is unwavering.  He is a rock.  I have been bless to have him as my brother.   I do not think he really knows how much he means to me.  How thankful I am for my family.  I would not change my childhood for anything, for I was bless with everything I ever needed.

No recipe today.  I wanted to share a few thoughts of part of my family.  There will be many stories to come about Nick, Dub and the rest of my family that I hold dear. 

Recipes to continue soon.  Especially we will have so good eats at Mamaw's.