Friday, July 27, 2012

My Oldest Son

No questions that the greatest joys in my life are my children. They have been so much fun and brought so many great memories to me and our family.  Jacob will be 16 next month and that is so hard to believe.  It seems like yesterday I was changing his diaper.  I have be fortunate enough to be able to coach him in baseball and football since he began player up until high school.  We have celebrate many great times and some not so great times on the field of battle.  I have never force him or for that fact any of my children to play sports, however, Jacob has taken to them and enjoys playing.  Jacob's teachers have praised his good behavior in school.  He has also worked very hard on becoming a better student.  Many great teachers have been a part of his development and we are all grateful to them.  I am sure I will embarrass him with this blog but we have shared several memorable moments.  Here are two that stand out to me.

I remember when Jacob was being "trained" to use the potty.  He was not quite 3 and Phillip was a month away from joining us.  The great thing was Jacob was trained within the week.  I thought that was a quite an amazing feat in itself.  As we were getting to the end of his training a very funny thing happen.  Jacob was on the potty doing his business and that is when the magic happen.  Jacob got a whiff of his business and he got sick.  He started throwing up.  At least he was able to do his business and throw up in the toilet at the same time while sitting on it.  However, that is not the end of the story.  Jacob's mom was helping him but being nearly 9 months pregnant, it caused her to get sick as well.  Let's just say daddy had quite the mess to clean up.  I still laugh about it to this day.

Being able to be Jacob's coach has been one of the greatest accomplishments in my life.  We have shared many great memories together.  We have had a lot of success in baseball by winning a league championship once and runners-up three other times.  We have played many a great games and I have lots of memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  When Jacob was 10 we were playing Francestown for the league championship and it was a very intense, pressure packed game.  Both teams fought hard and the both deserving of the win, however, only once could win.  In the bottom of the 6th inning Jacob came up to bat with runners on second and third and two outs.  No doubt a situation must professionals struggle with.  I called timeout and went to speak with Jacob.  I told him not matter what I love him and many people would love to be in his shoes.  Jacob went to bat with a purpose.  Down 2 strikes in the count he was able to draw a walk.  That was a tremendous accomplishment for him and the team.  Even though we lost the game 8 -7, it is a memory that I will cherish forever.  And it is one of the greatest games I have ever been apart of.

Jacob will be a sophomore in high school this year and it is hard to believe.  Before too long he will have his drivers license.  He is growing up very fast.  Before I know it he will be on a mission, then off to college (if he chooses) and maybe starting his own family.  I love all of my children very much and each of them have a special place in my heart.  Jacob is a very special spirit and I am privileged be his father.  He has brought many joys in my life.  Jacob thank you for being my son.  It is a honor to be your father.