Wednesday, July 18, 2012

So it begins

A lot of things have happen to me over the last 12 months and it has been a very tough time in my life.  The toughest time since the death of my grandfather.  My life has seen many changes and I struggle to adapt.  Many thoughts occupy my mind about my future and what it may hold.  It is difficult not to seeing my kids everyday.  I enjoy the time we do have and we are beginning a routine together.  We have begun to cook together and try some new things but we have also cooked some of the same stuff they have every week.  The difference now is they help some (when I have their attention) but I usually finish it off for everyone.  I have raved reviews sometimes and others, well we will say they are mixed.  I begin this new adventure with several things in mind.  My life with my children, our love of food and how it will make our bond stronger with one another.  I will share our recipes for you to try and you can tell me what you think or what you did differently to make it better.  I hope this venture brings some peace to me, my children and help brighten your day with your love ones.  Needless to say this is a new beginning for me and the ones I love beautiful children.

When I picked up my three youngest ones yesterday I asked them what they would like to eat while they were with me.  Of course the first response was "Sonic" but I politely said no and that I wanted to cook some "good" food for them.  They were disappointed but only for a short time, especially when I said what about burgers and fries.  They were excited and the meal was a success.  Cheeseburgers, fries, mac and cheese, corn on the cob and Doritos.  Dinner of champions.  I also fixed some turnip greens that I enjoyed all by myself.  My children have not come to the joys of a nice batch of greens but one day I hope they will.  So let's pray their tastes of what good food is will change.  The meal was a success, the kids where full and we settled down for the evening.  As we were chatting about the next day I asked them about breakfast and no one had a real ideal.  So I asked about french toast and a resounding YES was shouted from the crowd.

I have fixed french toast before but this time I did some research, looked at several recipes and came up with the following.  A combination of several different ideals of french toast.  I call it......

Big Daddy Dieu's Fabulous French Toast


3 eggs
1 cup of milk
1/2  of teaspoon of nutmeg OR cinnamon (your choice)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of sugar
8 slices of bread
1/2 tablespoon of butter.

You will need to preheat the oven at 350 degrees

Take the eggs, milk, nutmeg (OR cinnamon), vanilla extract and sugar and whisk those together until all ingredients are mixed together well.  Take a non stick pan and place on medium heat until pan is warm.  Once the pan reaches a constant temperature place the butter in the the pan.  Take each slice of bread and dip in the egg mixture until both sides are covered evenly.  Place in the pan and cook on each side for 3 to 4 minutes.  Each side should be golden brown.  Once it has cooked in the pan place each slice of bread on a non stick cookie sheet and place in the oven for 10 minutes.  ****The following is optional*****  Take 3 tablespoons of butter and brown in the same pan you cook the toast in for 5 minutes or until it is brown.  This will take about 5 minutes.  Make sure you don't burn it.  Once the toast has cooked in the oven drizzle with the butter and serve with syrup if you like.

Well today's results was mixed.  Iva loved it and had 4 pieces.  Connor not so much and Bennie only wanted sausage.   We used nutmeg today but in the future we will use cinnamon.  I am not a fan of nutmeg.  If I had to rate it myself I would give it 5 on a scale of 10.  I did not allow the pan to get warm enough before I place the first batch in so the bread was too soggy, however, the second batch of 4 was a lot better.  Also make sure you use your favorite syrup.  They will also play a key factor on how much you will love. 

I would like to know your thoughts.  What can be done to make it better?  What could be done differently? Rate it for me.  What would you give it?   I look forward to hear your thoughts. 

This was a simple recipe.  I do plan of going to my Louisiana roots and doing not only some good ol' southern home cookin' but I will go deep into the bayou for some great Cajun cuisine.  I would like to have you to follow along for the journey.  The journey of my life, it's challenges, the love I have of my children and some really good food (I hope).